Posts by Prayers of the People Team

110 of 525 items

Prayers of the People, February 2

by Prayers of the People Team

We celebrate the growing insights into our faith that are being nurtured and expanded by our beloved Berto and Hugh. We thank you and pray for spiritual leaders everywhere in their efforts to guide people to a better way of being. For the Church and our call to work for reconciliation in Christ’s name, we pray,Let […]

Prayers of the People, January 26

by Prayers of the People Team

Spirit of Love, we believe there is Grace in the world, if only we letourselves receive it. May we find ourselves in that Grace and be a conduit ofit to the world at the same time, for we are all one body.We open ourselves to Grace.Spirit of Love, in these times of change and fear, […]

Prayers of the People, January 19

by Prayers of the People Team

Prayers of the People Eternal God, we give thanks for your church throughout the world and for our leaders and ministers especially Sean, Philip, Berto, Hugh and Melissa who is with us today. We ask that they inspire us to use our variety of gifts in concert to carry out your mission in this temporal […]

Prayers of the People, January 12

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Holy Wisdom, we celebrate the growing insights into our faith that are being nurtured and expanded by our beloved Berto and Hugh.  We honor the sacred teachings hidden in the texts of ancient times and sing our praises to you . We thank you and pray for spiritual leaders everywhere in their efforts to […]

Prayers of the People, January 5

by Prayers of the People Team

In thanksgiving for the peacemakers who toil in troubled lands, and in families of discontent, that the Prince of Peace may give them words of wisdom as they seek to encourage new means of communication and the mending of relationships; let us pray.Lord, hear our prayer. In thanksgiving for those who bring treasures to the […]

Prayers of the People, December 22

by Prayers of the People Team

Hear, O Shepherd of Israel, we give thanks for your church and all faithful people. We ask that your church show the light of your countenance so that we may be inspired to do your will.Restore us, O God of hosts. Hear, O Shepherd of Israel, we give thanks for these United States and our […]

Prayers of the People, December 15

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh spirit of wisdom – we patiently await the rebirth of wonder that casts light into the shattered cities and villages of war torn countries, and in the hallowed halls of governmental authorities, and wherever people are without homes: those living in the wreckage of ruined cities, those who are outcasts of societies who disdain […]

Prayers of the People, December 8

by Prayers of the People Team

I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. Prepare your hearts for his arrival, praying, “Fill the valleys, make low the hills; come, great Redeemer, come.” Merciful God, increase our love to overflowing. Make your Church pure […]

Prayers of the People, December 1

by Prayers of the People Team

Love, from which all blessings flow, it is easy to be thankful when life is good and we have what we need. May we still give thanks when times are difficult, and may we dig deep to find the strength that comes from love. O come, o come, Emmanuel;Be our hope and our salvation. Love, […]

Prayers of the People, November 24

by Prayers of the People Team

God, You are the Alpha and the Omega, we give thanks for your church and all who speak your Spirit.   Let your priests be clothed with righteousness and let your faithful people sing with joy. As Christ loved us. We walk in love. God, You are the Alpha and the Omega, we give thanks for […]