Posts by Prayers of the People Team

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Prayers of the People, September 6

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, even though our buildings are close, our hearts are open. Even though we are physically apart, we sing your praises in the congregation of the faithful. We give thanks for all the blessings of this life that we have on Orcas Island, surrounded by beauty. In the power of the Holy Spirit, make […]

Prayers of the People, August 30

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Great and Powerful “I Am:” In today’s scripture you reveal your true name, the great mystery that is too profound for any one of us to fully comprehend.We bow our heads before such wonder. With our beloved priests, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop, Greg, and our Presiding Bishop Michael, may all your children rise […]

Prayers of the People, August 23

by Prayers of the People Team

Lector: Let us lift our voices in prayer, joining with the faithfulthroughout the world who offer their intercessions this day,responding, “Lord, hear our prayer.” Give your grace to those who care for children in fosterhomes, sustain them with patience, and encourage them toprovide a family of love and respect; let us pray.Lord, hear our prayer. […]

Prayers of the People, August 9

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, we are blessed to know you through your church. Give us the courage to answer your call as Joseph answered Israel, here I am.As you hear our prayer help us to take heart and not be afraid. Eternal God, we are blessed to live in these United States even as we face a […]

Prayers of the People, August 2

by Prayers of the People Team

Great Mystery-Beloved God, we trust that you are living in us and through us—as a community and individually.  Even so,  some of us feel deeply puzzled by the shape of these troubled times.  Dear God, we know that, while your methods are mysterious, the path leads to and emanates from eternal love.  Like Jacob, we […]

Prayers of the People, July 19

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, our world is in great need of your love.We pray that we might become like you during these challenging times — gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger, and filed with kindness and truth. In Christ we pray. Precious Lord, although we are unable to gather together in our beloved, little white […]

Prayers of People, July 12

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, we pray for your church, especially Justin, Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh. Let them sow your message and may we have ears to hear it. Lord, may we hear and understand your response in order to be your faithful servant. Eternal God, we pray for these United States, especially for our leaders Donald, […]

Prayers of the People, July 5

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Creator, Great Mystery-We bow before you, our threadbare souls reach out to you. The mystery of existence, of the rise and fall of nations, and the smoky darkness of suffering is almost too much to bear. We yearn for the healing of nations, for the fractured earth, and for sentient beings everywhere. And at […]

Prayers of the People, June 28

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, God of heaven and earth, We give ourselves into your care, as we pray with complete faith in your compassion. You are our grounding and security in our insecure world.  Keep us in your eternal power and love, as we pray in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Precious Lord, we give ourselves […]

Prayers of the People, June 21

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, we read with fresh awareness the message ofthe Gospel today: “Do not think that I have come to bringpeace to the earth.” Be with the peoples of the world as theylift their voices for racial, economic, and social justice. Beespecially with those who do the heavy lifting to create a morejust and equitable […]