Sunday Worship, January 22

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM.  Fr. Berto presiding and preaching. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service.  The 8 AM bulletin is here. Click here for the 10 AM […]

Prayers of the People, January 15

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Holy One, oh Source of All that is—deepest truth beyond all thought. We sing your praises, knowing that the beauty and love in this world expresses your deepest intentions.  Even so, we slip and fall, and innocent beings suffer needlessly.  Help us, oh Holy One, to right at least one wrong a day, to […]

Sunday Worship, January 15

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM. Fr. Hugh presiding and Fr. Berto preaching. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service.  The 8 AM bulletin is here. Click here for the […]

Martin Luther Kind Day event on Sunday January 15

by SKM

Sharon Abreu is organizing this year’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day event that will take place at the church’s Parish Hall on Sunday, Jan. 15 from 3:00 until 4:30.The event will feature screenings of two important speeches about peace, Dr. King’s speech “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence delivered on April 4, 1967 and […]

Prayers of the People, January 8

by Prayers of the People Team

Reader: Oh Christ, Beloved Great Mystery—we beseech you to hear our prayers and praises. We begin by praying for the new Provisional Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, the Most Reverend Melissa Skelton, as she undertakes leadership of our diocese during this time of transition.  And again, we gratefully wish our retiring Bishop Greg Rickel […]

Sunday Worship, January 8

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM. Fr. Hugh presiding and Fr. Berto preaching. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service.  The 8 AM bulletin is here. Click here for the […]

Sunday Worship, January 1

by SKM

Join us at 8 or 10:00 AM in church or via YouTube. Here’s the 8:00 AM link. Here’s the 10:00 AM link

Prayers of the People, December 25

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, we give thanks for the birth of Jesus when the Word became flesh. We pray that your Spirit support our leaders Michael, Greg, Melissa, Berto and Hugh as they inspire us to show your love to our neighbors. Eternal God, comfort your people. Eternal God, we give thanks for these United States. We […]

Prayers of the People, December 18

by SKM

Oh Great and Holy Mystery We reach out through the darkness of deep winter, hoping to take you into our hearts, never to leave.  We yearn to hold you in our arms, as Mother Mary was blessed to do.  We yearn to have you scoop us into your own arms, consoling us in the darkness, […]

Sunday Worship, December 18

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM. Fr. Hugh presiding and Fr. Berto preaching. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service.  Here‘s the 8 AM bulletin. Click here for the 10 AM […]