Prayers of the People, November 21

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Great Sacred Mystery: today we are told of the seven spirits who are but drops in the ocean of your greatness.  You are the Alpha and the Omega, the one without a second.  You are compassion, wisdom, justice, truth, beauty, courage and devotion, utter magnificence, and so much more. You teach us to be […]

Sunday Worship, November 14

by SKM

This Sunday, November 14: We have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. Here’s the 8 AM Bulletin. We have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here. Here’s the 10 AM bulletin.

Prayers of the People, November 14

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor: Dear Holy Lord, You are the Alpha and Omega. We come to you in prayer for peace and assurance for the world, in the midst of hatefulness, wars and famines. We ask for your guidance and your hand upon those in power, that your will shall be done.  Lord, you are our constant defense, our wisdom and our endurance. Our […]

Sunday Worship, November 7

by SKM

We have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. Here’s the 8 AM Bulletin. We have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here. Here’s the 10 AM bulletin. Readings for All Saints (transferred) Readings for this Sunday, November 7 Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9or Isaiah 25:6-9Psalm 24Revelation 21:1-6aJohn 11:32-44

Prayers of the People, November 7

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor: Dearest Lord, help us trust that our jar of meal will not be emptied, and that the jug of oil will not fail if we give from our poverty. Inspire us to love our neighbors in need. Lord, purify our hearts as He is pure. Dearest Lord, be with our church as we minister to […]

Sunday Worship, October 31

by SKM

This Sunday, October 24: We have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. Here’s the 8 AM Bulletin. We have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here. Here’s the 10 AM bulletin.

Prayers of the People, October 31

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, you taught us to love you with all our heart and our neighbors as ourselves. We give thanks for your church and our Presiding Bishop Michael, our Bishop Greg, our priests Berto and Hugh asking that they remind us that these commandments are more important than all.Happy are they who have the God […]

Sunday Worship, October 24

by SKM

This Sunday, October 24: We have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. Here’s the 8 AM Bulletin. We have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here. Here’s the 10 AM bulletin.

Prayers of the People, October 24

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:  Glorious are you, oh, Sacred Mystery.  We bow before you in awe and wonder—even without seeing you, we love you, and without touching you, we embrace.  Here at Emmanuel we celebrate your Presence in so many ways:  through all the people and all the causes we gladly serve and for which we pray; through […]

Sunday Worship, October 17

by SKM

We have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. Here’s the 8 AM bulletin. Here’s the 10 AM bulletin. We have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here.