Recording of Funeral Service for Karen Eberle

by SKM

A heartfelt thanks to all who came to the service for Karen Eberle. Thanks to the altar guild, flower guild, pall-bearers, acolyte, readers… it was a beautiful witness of the love and prayer of this community to the Eberles!

Sunday Worship, August 8

by SKM

We will have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. We also have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here. So, considering our higher risk population and this recent surge let’s mask up again for church and let’s not sing. This seems to be the more prudent step to […]

Prayers of the People, August 8

by Prayers of the People Team

Lord, we give thanks for your church and especially our leaders Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh. May they inspire us to encourage our friends and neighbors to taste and see that the Lord is good. Happy are we who trust you, Lord. Lord, we give thanks for these United States and our leaders. May they put aside […]

Passing of Tom Murdock

by SKM

With much sadness we let the parish know that our dear Tom Murdock passed away on Friday June 30th at 4:30pm.He passed away peacefully surrounded by his family and holding the hand of Leslie and listening to some Irish music.Emmanuel is better for his presence amongst us, for the many gifts he shared with us; […]

Sunday Worship, August 1

by SKM

We will have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. We also have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here.

Prayers of the People, August 1

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:   Holy Mystery—many of us feel torn and confused—with or without a mask, with or without vaccination—we long for familiar, easy ways—and we also long to know you. We yearn to take you fully into our hearts, to know deep wisdom, to sing your song with open hearts. Let your mercy support and bless […]

Sunday Worship July 25; masks again

by SKM

We will have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. Here’s the bulletin for 8 AM. We also have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here. Here’s the bulletin for 10 AM. So, considering our higher risk population and this recent surge let’s mask up again for church and […]

Prayers of the People, July 25

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:   Dear Lord of Heaven and Earth, You are the Alpha and Omega. We pray to you with hearts longing to know your peace for all the world, as we are all your children Lord, in all our differences, we are yours. Lord, you are the protector of all who trust in you, and without […]

Sunday Worship, July 18

by SKM

We will have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. We also have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here. See you in church or watch on line.

Prayers of the People, July 18

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, we are deeply comforted by your message of love and mercy. Hold in your shepherd’s hands the very large flock that is the peoples of the world. Protect us from the wrath of nature — its heat and storms — and from the wrath of each other as we learn to live peacefully.In […]