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Prayers of the People, Lent 5, April 3, 2014

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Mother Father God, We pray to you with hearts longing to know your peace. Bless Emmanuel Church as a vessel of your love, caring openly for all who enter here, for our community and for those beyond all boundaries. WE PRAY TO YOU WITH HEARTS LONGING TO KNOW YOUR PEACE. We pray for our […]

Prayers of the People 4 Lent March 30, 2014

by Prayers of the People Team

O Lord, who does not see as mortals see, we pray for the world and your church. Open the eyes of all your children. So, we may live as children of light. O Lord, help Katherine, Greg, Wray and Kate as well as all ministers be faithful leaders empowering us to fulfill your mission. So, […]

Prayers of the People Lent 3 March 23, 2014

by Prayers of the People Team

Even when we test God or quarrel with our neighbor, God lives in us, and love is perfected in us. When we thirst and do not comprehend the quenching of our thirst, God lives in us, and love is perfected in us. When poverty, illness, or death seem to overwhelm, God lives in us, and […]

Prayers of the People 2 Lent March 16, 2014

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear God the Mother and Father, May this church gathering today, draw your love through us to each other, our community, the world and to those you call us to serve. We surrender to your love, in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray for Emmanuel Church, our priests, Kate and Wray, our Vestry, Wardens, […]

Prayers of the People 1 Lent March 9

by Prayers of the People Team

O Lord, our world is often a wilderness of temptation in which we are pulled this way and that, away from you. Instruct us in the way we should go, so like Christ in the desert, the angels will attend us. O Lord, hear our prayer. O Lord, like Adam and Even in the garden, […]

Prayers of the People: Last Epiphany March 2, 2014

by Prayers of the People Team

O Lord, who gave the law to Moses on a mountaintop, we pray for the world and your church. Help us to realize that we are all your children and that we each are called to reflect your love. O Lord, hear our prayer. Help your church to fulfill your mission.  Help Katherine, Greg, Wray […]

Prayers of the People 7 Epiphany Feb. 23

by Prayers of the People Team

For peace among the nations, between neighbors and family members, and within our hearts:  … we pray, God, hear our prayer. For the church:  may the church walk with those most in need and may Emmanuel be open to all our neighbors on Orcas… we pray, God, hear our prayer. For those who struggle with […]

Prayers of the People for 6 Epiphany February 16

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Father, Mother God, We pray together for the concerns of this gathering of your children, for this church, this community, and your churches of many names working for the care of your people and creation. Open our hearts to help others with the power of your love. We pray for our priests, Wray and […]

Prayers of the People February 9

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Lord, we pray for your world, that, hearing your call, we might lose the bonds of injustice and let the oppressed go free, so that your light shall break forth like the dawn and your healing shall spring up quickly. Dear Lord, we pray. Dearest Lord, we pray for your church, that, hearing your […]

Prayers of the People 3 Epiphany January 26, 2014

by Prayers of the People Team

 Let us join with believers of all faiths and call upon our God to bless and protect all that is lovely in this world. For the church: for those who have answered God’s call; for those who live simply in community; for Christian families; for all who live their lives by the light of the Gospel […]