Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion

O Lord, my God, we pray for your church, in all its forms especially for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Katharine, our presiding Bishop, Greg, our Bishop, Berto, our Rector and Hugh, who is with us today, all clergy and us, the ministers of your church, that we, being your presence on this earth, may fulfill your mission.

Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion.

O Lord, my God, we pray for Barack, our President, Jay, our Governor, the Congress of the United States and all in authority that they may be aware of your Spirit as they lead us and make wise decisions on our behalf.

Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion.

O Lord, my God, we pray peace on this Earth, especially in the Middle East and Africa, and ask that those who are in harm’s way are comforted and protected by awareness of the presence of your Spirit.

Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion.

O Lord, my God, we pray for this fragile Earth that we may be better stewards to ensure its health for generations to come.

Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion.

O Lord, my God, we pray for our beloved Orcas Island that we protect its riches, nourish the souls of us and our neighbors and give refuge to the homeless, particularly during cold, blustery winter nights. We also pray that the Twelfth Man may enjoy today’s game and respect the courage and athleticism of all participants.

Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion.

O Lord, my God, we pray for your people of Emmanuel as we prepare to

celebrate the new ministry that Berto has brought to us with the Bishop’s visit next week that we may glorify God and recommit to be your servants in this community.

Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion.

O Lord, my God, we pray for all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit especially for the special needs and concerns of those on our parish prayer list that they may be strengthened by your Spirit in their time of need.

Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion.

O Lord, my God, we pray for all who have died and those who mourn.

Gracious Lord, you are full of compassion.

Presider: O Gracious Lord, our God, hear the prayers of your faithful people of Emmanuel, and in your time grant us your peace through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AMEN.