Living God, our Friend and our Protector,

Your hands hold each of us.

Let us have ears to hear your truth.

Keep us from ignoring your call.

We pray for all who hold positions of power in our nation and around the world.

Keep the urgency for peace alive in their hearts and minds.

We pray for all those touched by war in the world: for soldiers and civilians, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, daughters and sons.

In the darkest hour, we pray with hope. In a world torn by war, we pray for peace.

We pray for anyone who is sick, suffering, alone, or afraid, especially those on our parish prayer list:

For every hurting heart.

We pray for those who have died.

And for all who mourn.

We pray for the Church and her ministers.

For all faithful people, and for everyone who carries your good news into the world.

We thank you for your being always with us as we work, play, and rest.

Your holiness is our hope and our reality. Amen.