Dear Lord, we pray to you in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

In Your love Lord, may we find our own.
For Your holy churches, leaders and ministers throughout the world, for our Emmanuel, our priest, Berto, our Vestry, our Administrators, and all who serve our congregation and community.
May our grateful hearts lead our actions, with your guidance Lord.
Today we ask your blessings on the hearts and spirits of these candidates for reception into your church:
Antoinette, Duff, Karen and Tammy
Lord, refresh them as they seek to serve others, as taught by your Son Jesus Christ.
In these times of swift changes in the world, we pray to you Lord, for our President, world leaders, and those who make decisions for others.
May their hearts lead their actions, by the inspiration of Your power and divine guidance Lord.
Bless and protect the children and families living in fear and danger, who need food and shelter. We pray to end the atrocities. Bless those who work in service to others, with risk to their own safety.
Lord, give us discomfort enough to make a difference in the life of someone who is struggling.
Bless our precious planet home, the earth, air, water, and creatures great and small.
May our grateful hearts lead our actions, with your guidance Lord.
Bless each of us, as you know our pain, and particularly bless those we name:
Lord, carry us through this day with awareness of your love for each person we see.
Bless those who have died, holding them in the joy of your kingdom. And comfort those who miss them, holding them with your peace.
Lord, we are in your time and hands. May we thrive in your service, as you intend for us.
Presider: Dear Lord, we ask your blessings on this diverse nation in need of your guidance. With gratitude and faith we celebrate your eternal power and love for each of us. We are your care. May our grateful hearts lead our actions, in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Amen