Almighty Oneness, who leads us through the mysteries of this world; we ask that you hear our spoken and unspoken prayers today for all peoples according to their needs, saying,

Lord, Hear our prayer.

For those who lead the clans, tribes, and nations of the world, plant in them the desire for understanding and tolerance of the differences between us. Especially, in this election year, grant the candidates a desire to hear all the people of our nation as we journey into a future that seems frightening to so many. We thank you for those in our nation who have dedicated time to ensuring fairness and vision are part of our election process.

Lord, Hear our prayer.

We pray for the farmers of the world that they may have a good spring planting. We especially ask a blessing on the first crop of peas and strawberries at Morningstar Farm.

Lord, Hear our prayer.

For all who have recognized and pursue a spiritual path, especially our Bishop, Greg, and our clergy, Berto and Hugh.

Lord, Hear our prayer.

We pray that the resurrection becomes realized in the bodies and hearts of those who are grieving, or suffering from any affliction of mind, body, or soul. We pray for the homeless, the hungry, and those in the shadow of war. We especially ask that those on our parish prayer list be remembered, (insert names here). Your prayers and petitions are invited at this time either aloud or in silence.

Lord, Hear our prayer.

We pray for all who have died to this world and moved to the next place. We miss them and we are grateful for the time we had with them.

Lord, Hear our prayer.

Into your hands, Lord, we commend our prayers, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.