Father, Mother God, we struggle to create a world in which righteousness can find a home.
We find ourselves divided by race, geography, class, and belief. Help us to remember that we are one family and that the earth is our common home.

Lord, speak peace to your faithful people.

Father, Mother God, we know that your church must be the face of Love here on earth. Help us to be, without ceasing, the change that the world so badly needs.

Lord, speak peace to your faithful people.

Father, Mother God. Our nation struggles with the same crises as the world. We have let race, class, and belief divide us from each other and from the highest purpose of our founding fathers. Help us to remember that we are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Lord, speak peace to your faithful people.

Father, Mother God, help us to remember the clarity of your call to us: I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me. Help us to live your mission to the least among us.

Lord, speak peace to your faithful people.

Father, Mother God. The earth is yours and the fullness thereof. It is not ours to plunder in greed and warfare. Help us to safeguard this treasure we share — the air, the water, the earth that sustains us and all creation.

Lord, speak peace to your faithful people.

Father, Mother God. Comfort your people, especially those who struggle in body, mind, and spirit. Be with those who grieve. Gather your lambs in your arms, carry them in your bosom, gently lead us in loving care to those we now name silently and aloud (pause), especially those on our parish prayer list:

Lord, speak peace to your faithful people.

Presider: Lord, we will listen to what you say. We look for the day when mercy and truth have met together, when righteousness and peace have kissed.