Precious Lord, in this troubled world, help us to treat all strangers as Abraham did, offering
water, food, and a place to rest, for the stranger might be the Lord himself.
In Christ’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, help us to discover the Christ in ourselves by following your commandment to love one another. We especially thank you for our priests, Berto and Hugh, who lead us in loving example.
In Christ’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, you ask us to present ourselves to one another without guile and to speak
without contempt of our neighbors. Be with the leaders of our country, that they might guide by this example as we approach another election season.
In Christ’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, we pray for homes for the homeless, food for the hungry, justice for those
suffering war and oppression, and safety for those who live in fear. Teach us to be your hands and hearts in the world.
In Christ’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, what a gift is the natural world! The beauty of creation in summer is astounding! Inspire us to care for the earth as the miracle it is.
In Christ’s name, we pray.
Precious Lord, like Martha, we are worried and distracted by many things. Help us trust in your love for us as we face illness, injury, anxiety, depression, confusion, and loss. Be especially with the families and friends of those who have passed. We ask your compassionate care for family and friends we now name (pause), including those on the parish prayer list: