Lord, we pray for the beleaguered peoples of our world, their homes ravaged by floods, fires, earthquakes, war, and poverty. Our hearts are unbound for their need..

Lord, hear our prayers.

Lord, we pray that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts are acceptable to you. We pray especially for our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our lay leaders, as they humbly serve your mission of love for the world.

Lord, hear our prayers.

Lord, you command us not to make idols in the world. Inspire our nation’s leaders to eschew personal power, wealth, and status so that they might serve all people and protect the earth.

Lord, hear our prayers.

Dearest Lord, the commandments of the Lord are clear and give light to the eyes. The greatest of all is to love God and our neighbors as we attend to the needs of the hungry, the homeless, and families suffering poverty and dislocation.

Lord, hear our prayers.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows his handiwork. Thank you, Lord, for the exquisite colors of autumn. Help us to protect and restore the glory of your creation.

Lord, hear our prayers.

Lord, you are always more ready to hear our prayers than we are to pray. Yet we pray fervently for the sick and injured, for those suffering fear, confusion, anger and depression, and for those who have passed and their grieving families. Be with the precious family and friends we now name, silently and aloud (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:

Lord, hear our prayers.