Gather us together, O God, that we might share the prayers, intentions, and thanksgivings of our community.

We serve the Lord with gladness and are generous with our gifts

Because we are Rooted in Abundance

We pray for the Church, for all who worship God this day including Berto and Hugh, Melissa and Michael, and our congregation. We give thanks for our stewardship team, Luann and Stan as well as Anthony, Betsy, Bill, Margie, Sarah and Stewart who have reminded us that we are  rooted in love and abundance.

We are generous with our gifts of time, talent, and treasure,

Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

We pray for our Nation and all nations; for refugees fleeing climate change and war; for conflicts of faith, resources, and land; for lawmakers, peacekeepers, and first responders. We pray for a distribution of wealth that helps the poor and the marginalized.

We are generous with our gifts of peace,

Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

We pray for the sick, the lonely, the lost, the unemployed, and the addicted.  We remember those on our parish prayer list, …. as well as for those for whom noone prays.

We are generous with our gifts of healing,

Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

We pray for those who have died, those who are dying, those that stand watch, and those who mourn.

We are generous with our gifts of support,

Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

We give thanks for abundant blessings, for we are given time, talent, and treasure to share with the world. We will strive to welcome the stranger, cloth the naked, feed the hungry, and give drink to the thirsty.

We are generous with our gratitude,

Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

Hear the prayers of your people, Creator God. May we who are blessed by so much wealth and wisdom, share our works with a world in need. Amen.