ntercessor:  Precious Lord, we are, all of us, your people. Give us peace in Israel and Palestine, in Ukraine and Africa. Be with those suffering grave fear and dislocation. In this season of light, we pray for your love in the world.

In Jesus’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, Jesus came to us in great humility, as a newborn child. Let us likewise love one other with chaste and humble hearts.

In Jesus’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, we pray for our nation. Restore us to peace with one another. Feed our hunger for liberty and justice for all.

In Jesus’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, you ask us to stay awake, so we don’t miss the light. We look for you in the manger; we look for you in the homeless; we look for you in the hungry; we look for you in our brothers and sisters left behind.

In Jesus’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, enrich us in knowledge and praise in your creation, that we might protect the earth from our destructive striving.

In Jesus’s name, we pray.

Precious Lord, you are faithful to us in our need. Be with those who suffer sickness and injury, who are unmoored by confusion and anger and sadness. Be with the recently deceased and their grieving families. Be with the friends and family we now name, silently and aloud (pause), including those on our parish prayer list…as well as for those for whom no one prays.

In Jesus’s name, we pray.

Those who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries are invited to come forward. If you would like your name printed in the bulletin please let the parish office know.

Presider: Let us pray for those celebrating birthdays this week:

O God, our times are in your hand:  Look with favor, we pray, on your servant Ellis Lui (12/9) as he begins another year.  Grant that he may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen his trust in your goodness all the days of his life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Presider:  Let us pray for those celebrating anniversaries this week: 

Grant, O God, in your compassion, that (insert names), who have taken each other in marriage, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Presider:  Let us pray for those recently departed: Lynne Shumway, our companion in faith and sister in Christ, we entrust you to God. Go forth from this world: in the love of God who created you; in the mercy of Jesus Christ who died for you; in the power of the Holy Spirit who strengthens you, at one with all the faithful, living and departed. May you rest in peace and rise in the glory of your eternal home, where grief and misery are banished, and light and joy abide.  Amen.