Dearest Lord, we are so weary of war. In your tender love for us, please help us make peace in the world. Be with all people who suffer the loss of safety, family, home, work, food, and medical care, especially those in Gaza and Ukraine. 

We sing Hallelujah at the promise of your merciful love. 

Dearest Lord, be with your church this Easter week. In soulful humility, inspire us to wash the dust from weary and wounded feet of our brothers and sisters. Be with our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our lay leaders, as they guide our resurrected souls.

We sing Hallelujah at the promise of your merciful love.

Dearest Lord, be with our nation in this election year. Help us to remember that love lifts all people, without interest in race, religion, gender, sexuality, ability, economic status, citizenship, or political party. 

We sing Hallelujah at the promise of your merciful love.

Dearest Lord, be with the poor in spirit and means. Help us tend to the needs of our neighbors suffering homelessness, hunger, loss of income, work, medical care, and dignity. Thank you for the loving service of the Orcas Resource Center.

We sing Hallelujah at the promise of your merciful love.

Dearest Lord, we celebrate Spring, the season of resurrected life. Inspire us to steward our beautiful Earth, to sing praises for the loveliness of bud, flower, and tender new life.  

We sing Hallelujah at the promise of your merciful love.

Dearest Lord, you sustain the weary with a word. Be with worried, the angry, the confused, and the fearful. Calm their hearts. Be with the sick and injured. Heal their wounds. Be with the recently departed and their grieving family and friends. Cry with them. Be with the family and friends we now name, silently and aloud (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:

We sing Hallelujah at the promise of your merciful love.