Posts by Prayers of the People Team

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Prayers of the People, June 11

by Prayers of the People Team

Lord, we pray for your church in all its forms and for all believers. We give thanks for our leaders, Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh asking that they inspire us to be your faithful loving servants in this temporal world. Lord, you love righteousness and justice as your loving-kindness fills the whole earth. Lord, we […]

Prayers of the People, June 4

by Prayers of the People Team

  Dear Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit—we celebrate you with joy on this day set aside to honor your triune presence in our lives.  We have just heard again the wonderful words of our forebears in describing the mystery of your creation. For ages we have told our children that you made us just a […]

Prayers of the People, May 28

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Lord, We pray together for the whole world, as one in your love, as we celebrate Pentecost.  We ask the light of your Holy Spirit to guide us in our times of deep concern and uncertainty. Bless the people in nations at war, those struggling for survival and safety for their families. Bring the […]

Prayers of the People, May 21

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, do not leave the world comfortless; we ask you to send your holy spirit tostrengthen those who suffer the constant terror of war. We pray deeply for peace in Ukraine,Sudan, Palestine, and other nations suffering violence and dislocation.In your name, we constantly devote ourselves to prayer. Precious Lord, protect the faithful of your […]

Prayers of the People, May 14

by Prayers of the People Team

God of all peoples, we give thanks for your church and our leaders: Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh. We ask that they remind us that we too are God’s offspring, for in him we live and move and have our being. May they inspire us to be your faithful servants to contend tirelessly for justice […]

Prayers of the People, May 7

Holy Great “I AM”,  We are your people; you are our God—we are thankful for and ask continued blessings on all those who serve you so diligently and faithfully: our priests, Berto and Hugh, our acting bishop Melissa, our presiding bishop Michael, and spiritual leaders everywhere. We are your people and we offer our love, […]

Prayers of the People, April 30

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Lord, who loves us all equally, We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the good shepherd who calls us to follow him as our savior forever. Dear God of Love, Thank you for your son, Jesus, who opens the gate and calls us to follow him to your love and grace. Dear God, who […]

Prayers of the People, April 23

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Lord, you ask us to love one another deeply, from our hearts. Help us to love across differences in race, gender, religion, ethnicity, ability, and age. To love across politics. Be especially with those suffering the violence that arises from intolerance. Lord, open the eyes of our faith. Dearest Lord, as the disciples’ eyes […]

Prayers of the People, April 16

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternally mysterious God, we give thanks for your church and especially our leaders, Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh. They are blessed though they have not seen, they have come to believe and inspire us to believe what we have not seen. Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in you. Eternally mysterious God, we […]

Prayers of the People, April 9

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Great Mystery! Cast away the stones that weigh our hearts and keep us from you! Let us rejoice! Let us be as Mary who mistook you for the gardener and then saw the truth! Let us all be gardeners—devoted to protecting your creation and its beings— that we might be more like your son […]