Prayers of the People, June 12

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor: Oh Beloved Creator—On this Trinity Sunday we come before you with renewed praise andadoration. You give us so much. Help us to more fully experience you through your manyexpressions—as Creator, in all the children of the world, and in the Holy Spirit.Oh Sacred Trinity, open wide our hearts that we may receive your truth […]

Labyrinth Walk Saturday June 4 at Noon or anytime

by SKM

Globally, we will all walk with the same intention: Suggested Intention for this walk: We offer up the pieces of our hearts, the pieces of our broken spirits My intention for this labyrinth walk is to feel the coherent energy of my own heart, then send that coherent energy to the victims, survivors, families, and communities of […]

Prayers of the People, June 5

by Prayers of the People Team

Empowering God, you gave the church the abiding presence of your Holy Spirit. Look upon your church today and hear our petitions. Zatoz Izpiritu Santua, Come Holy Spirit. Empowering God, we give thanks for your church and your ministers especially our priests Berto and Hugh, our Bishop Greg and our Presiding Bishop Michael. We are […]

Sunday Worship, May 29

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM. Fr. Hugh presiding and preaching. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service. Here’s the 8 AM bulletin. Click here for the 10 AM via […]

Prayers of the People, May 29

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord of Unconditional Love, We open our hearts to you as we pray in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. As Jesus prayed for his disciples to know you, and through them for each of us to have faith in you, we open our hearts to receive your love.  There is no division of people […]

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on the Shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX

by SKM

Traducción al español Dear Ones, 216 lives. Over the past decade, 216 children and their teachers have died in school shootings. Since 2012, 216 innocent lives have been lost in these horrific acts of violence. And with the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, that number grew even larger as 21 more innocent […]

Prayers of the People, May 22

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, you promise that the leaves of the treeof life are for the healing of nations. We pray that the people ofthe world might see you in all things and in every person, that wemight live together in peace and abundance.Lord, we love you in all things.Precious Lord, we pray that the Holy Spirit […]

Sunday Worship, May 22

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. Fr. Hugh is away this week. We will have Morning Prayer at both 8 and 10 AM. We thank Antoinette Botsford and Anthony Terndrup for officiating at the services. With the recent increase in cases on island, […]

Music at Emmanuel

by SKM

Our summer lunchtime concerts return this July and August. The concerts begin promptly at noon and last for 30 minutes. The concerts are free. Donations are gratefully received and go towards sending Orcas music students to summer music camps.You are welcome to picnic on the lawn afterwards. Here is the schedule:July  –  13     Martin […]

Prayers of the People, May 15

by Prayers of the People Team

Ever-living God, we pray for all who worship you, especially our leaders: Michael, our Presiding Bishop, Greg, our Bishop and Hugh, our priest and all of us who have been baptized by your Holy Spirit, may we love one another. O God, raise up strength for your people. Ever-living God, we pray for our Rector, […]