Prayers of the People, September 5

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, you love the righteous. May your Spirit inspire the leaders of your church, especially Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh, to teach us to care for the stranger and sustain the orphan and widow. Our hope is in you, Eternal God. Eternal God, you gave justice to the oppressed, have mercy on these United […]

Sunday Worship, September 5

by SKM

We will have Holy Eucharist services in church at 8 AM and 10 AM. If you can’t make it to church, you can watch by following these links: For the 8 AM service. For the 10 AM service. Please join us as we welcome Berto and Hugh back from vacation.

Prayers of the People, August 29

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Glorious One from whom all things come: The summer is nearly over, school bells and church bells invite us to gather, carefully, for we understand that the test to our health, our patience, and our community spirit is not yet over.  We thank you for the health in our community, our congregation, and we […]

Sunday Morning Prayer, August 29

by SKM

This Sunday, August 29, with our priests away, we will have Morning Prayer led by two of our lay Worship Leaders: Betsy Nelson at 8 AM and Luann Pamatian at 10 AM. If you can’t make it to church, here are the links to watch the 8 AM and the 10 AM.

Prayers of the People, August 22

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Loving Lord, we pray to you with our whole hearts, for the world is in need of your healing and grace.  It is easy for us to become fearful and lost in the pain and struggles of the world.  Loving Lord, Happy are the people whose strength is in you. It is the spirit that gives […]

Sunday Worship, August 22

by SKM

We will have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. We also have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here.

Prayers of the People, August 15

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, we seek to honor your example of the godly life by following in your loving footsteps. Help us, the peoples of the world, to turn from evil to do good, to seek peace and pursue it. In Christ we pray.  Precious Lord, you instruct us to be careful about how we live, asking […]

Sunday Worship, August 15

by SKM

We will have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. We also have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here.

Recording of Funeral Service for Karen Eberle

by SKM

A heartfelt thanks to all who came to the service for Karen Eberle. Thanks to the altar guild, flower guild, pall-bearers, acolyte, readers… it was a beautiful witness of the love and prayer of this community to the Eberles!

Sunday Worship, August 8

by SKM

We will have an in-person Holy Eucharist at 8 AM: You can watch here. We also have in-person Holy Eucharist at 10am. You can watch here. So, considering our higher risk population and this recent surge let’s mask up again for church and let’s not sing. This seems to be the more prudent step to […]