Posts by Prayers of the People Team

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Prayers of the People, April 18

by Prayers of the People Team

O God, defender of our cause, we put our trust in you as we give thanks for your church especially our priests Berto and Hugh as well as others and ask that they inspire us to fulfil your mission. O God, have mercy on us and hear our prayer. O God, defender of my cause, […]

Prayers of the People, April 11

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:   Beloved,  there is so much to praise and be thankful for!  We uphold and bless our dear priests, Berto and Hugh, whose steadfast presence and generosity of spirit has helped in ways too numerous to count.  And for their dog, Ava, whose eyes join theirs in beaming your steady message of ongoing love.  […]

Prayers of the People, April 4, EASTER

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:   Dear God, who loves us all equally, today we come out of our Lenten “Fast of the Senses”, to celebrate with great joy, the resurrection of your son Jesus Christ, to be our savior forever.  Jesus triumphed over death at the hands of political and religious authorities of his time.  May His sacrifice […]

Prayers of the People, March 28

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:  Precious Lord, as we enter Holy Week, help us to lay down our lives like palms, in humble service to your mission of love for the world. Jesus, Lord, we are humbled by your sacrifice for us. Precious Lord, as we enter Holy Week, help us to remember your mission, that we might love […]

Prayers of the People, March 21

by Prayers of the People Team

Blessed are you, O Lord; we pray for your Universal Church and especially our leaders: Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh. May they comfort us when our soul is troubled so we may serve you. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not stray from your commandments. Blessed are you, O Lord; we pray […]

Prayers of the People, March 14

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:  Beloved Mystery, in gratitude we turn to you, rejoicing in the longer days, and the reopening of many places. We sing your praises right along with the songbirds. Thank you for your many gifts and for all you have done to sustain us through these difficult months.  Your hand is evident in the deeds […]

Prayers of the People, March 7

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:   Dear Lord, We come to you in prayer among many frightening changes in the world. We feel we have lost our “usual” patterns of daily life. Each day comes with new concerns and uncertainties. Lord, these are human thoughts. We turn to you for God’s thoughts. May all the ends of the earth […]

Prayers of the People, February 28

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:   Precious Lord, we are deeply thankful for the scientists and workers who developed and are distributing the vaccines that will end the worldwide pandemic. Be with our exhausted health- care workers, who have have stood by us through unimaginable loss and suffering. In Christ, we pray. Precious Lord, be with church leaders and […]

Prayers of the People, February 21

by Prayers of the People Team

O Lord, we pray for your church, especially our leaders Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh may they show us your ways and teach us your paths so we may work to fulfil your mission. My God, I put my trust in you. O Lord, we pray for these United States may we recognize how fractured […]

Prayers of the People, February 14

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor: Dear Holy Creator – On bended knee with open hearts we pray to you in gratitude and supplication.  We praise and thank you for the general improvement in matters pertaining to the pandemic. We pray that people adhere to the safety guidelines and that delivery goes smoothly for the vaccine program. On this Valentine’s […]