Posts by Prayers of the People Team

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Prayers of the People, November 12

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Lord of all that is, that was, that shall be. You are the Alpha and Omega. We come to you in prayer for all the world, as we are all together in need of your abundant love, grace and strength.  In this time of frightening wars of great destruction, attacking the innocence of people […]

Prayers of the People, October 8

by Prayers of the People Team

Lord, we pray for the beleaguered peoples of our world, their homes ravaged by floods, fires, earthquakes, war, and poverty. Our hearts are unbound for their need.. Lord, hear our prayers. Lord, we pray that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts are acceptable to you. We pray especially for our […]

Prayers of the People, October 1

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, we give thanks for your church and especially for our leaders Michael, Melissa, Berto  and Hugh. We ask to be inspired by their words to go into this temporal vineyard and do your work. We incline our ear to the words of your mouth. Eternal God, we give thanks for this nation praying […]

Prayers of the People, September 24

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Marvelous Creator and Great Mystery—Factions rend your people apart.  Natural disasters destroy people and loved ones. And yet there is beauty and abundance and love at the same time.  Help all to find and walk in balance within these external contrasts and challenges,  so that one generation shall praise your work to another. For […]

Prayers of the People, September 17

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Lord, We pray for the world, and for your Holy Spirit to direct and guide us according to your will, as we face the atrocities of wars, racial violence, weather catastrophes, fires, floods and earthquakes, and our own limitations in overcoming them. Dear Lord, In our weakness, lift us up to the guidance of your […]

Prayers of the People, September 10

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, we pray for our world, that we do not become blinded by the arrogant, who confide only in their own strength. We seek to humbly serve each other in compassionate love. We pray for our world. Precious Lord, you promised that wherever two or three of us are gathered together in your name, […]

Prayers of the People, September 3

by Prayers of the People Team

O God, of our Ancestors, we give thanks for your church, all worshipers and especially our leaders, Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh. We ask that they teach us to hold fast to what is good and love one another with mutual affection. We give thanks to you Lord and call upon you. O God, of […]

Prayers of the People, August 27

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh great Mystery, help us to listen deeply as we revisit the stories of the great ones who led the way so many thousands of years ago. Their deeds live on and teach us anew as we walk again on ancient pathways to greater wisdom, and deeper understanding. We look to you now with praise, […]

Prayers of the People, August 20

by Prayers of the People Team

Sisters and brothers, there’s a wideness in God’s mercylike the wideness of the sea! Therefore let us come before ourloving God, saying, “Hear us, we humbly pray; Lord, help us.”Loving God, you have shown your Church such great mercy.Through the witness of your Church, may those beyond our wallsalso experience the goodness of your mercy.Hear […]

Prayers of the People, August 13

by Prayers of the People Team

Lord, as we walk the rough waters of war and climate change, we reach for your hand, lest we sink into fear and despair: “Lord, save us!” In Christ we pray. Lord, we pray for the strength to do your work of love in the world. Be with our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our […]