Prayers of the People, July 23

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Lord of Heaven and Earth. You are the Alpha and Omega. We pray to you with hearts longing to know your peace for the world. On our earth of floods and fires, highest world heat, and wars of destruction, we are all your children Lord, in all our differences, we are yours.  We surrender our […]

Sunday Worship, July 23

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service. Here’s the 8 AM bulletin. Click here for the 10 AM service via YouTube. Here’s the 10 AM […]

Market Day is July 22 this year

by SKM

You’ll see all sorts of fabulous finds at Emmanuel Market Day this year! There’s always a rush for the best treasures. Word has it some people moving on or off the island are lightening their loads in Market Day’s direction, so there will be plenty to choose from. Come check out the books, art works, […]

Prayers of the People, July 16

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Lord, grant us the understanding to know what we ought to do to prevent the destruction of our planet and peoples by our own hands. Be with all those who suffer war, flooding, extreme heat, and other effects of our incessant desire for more. In Christ, we pray. Dearest Lord, we ask you for […]

Sunday Worship, July 16

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service. Here’s the 8 AM bulletin. Click here for the 10 AM service via YouTube. Here’s the 10 AM […]

Prayers of the People, July 9

by Prayers of the People Team

Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David and Rebekah and all our ancestors, we give thanks to our church leaders: Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh. We ask that they inspire us to believe that you rescue us from the body of death. We thank you, Lord of heaven and earth. Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David […]

Sunday Worship, July 9

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service. Here’s the 8 AM bulletin. Click here for the 10 AM service via YouTube. Here’s the 10 AM […]

Prayers of the People, July 2

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Great and Holy Mystery: Our souls cryout to you. How long, Beloved, how long before we are trulyfree? How long before your children remember your presence inall that is, especially in one another?May all praise you for all your goodness and mercy.On this day, so close to celebrating our “Independence”, let usacknowledge the painful […]

Sunday Worship, June 25

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 AM. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service. Click here for the 10 AM service via YouTube. Readings for this Sunday, June 25th Genesis 21:8-21Psalm […]

Music at Emmanuel Summer Concert Schedule

by SKM

Please join us at noon on Wednesday’s this summer. You are welcome to enjoy our grounds after the concert concludes. Here’s the schedule: July 5 Turtleback Brass July 12 Tre Voci July 19 Martin Lund July 26 Orcatrazz August 2 Jeffry Steele – classical guitar August 9 Carl Burger and Tow Away Zone August 16 […]