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Prayers of the People May 29

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Lord, we love you.  Help us sing your song of peace across the world, so all peoples might rejoice in the saving power of your infinite love. Hear our prayers O Lord. Dearest Lord, we love you.  Let your church be the bearer of a new song, in which all peoples are lifted from […]

Prayers of the People, May 22

by Prayers of the People Team

We pray for all who live to hear the call of wisdom. May the actions of us, your servants, reveal our love for God and our neighbors. Spirit of truth, guide us. We pray for these United States and our leaders. May they not disappoint. Spirit of truth, guide us. We pray for this earth, […]

Prayers of the People May 15 Pentecost

by Prayers of the People Team

Living God, our Friend and our Protector, Your hands hold each of us. Let us have ears to hear your truth. Keep us from ignoring your call. We pray for all who hold positions of power in our nation and around the world. Keep the urgency for peace alive in their hearts and minds. We […]

Prayers of the People May 8

We pray for your church that it may let everyone who is thirsty come. We pray especially for Michael, our presiding bishop, Greg, our bishop, Berto, our Rector and all mothers who are priests may they welcome anyone who wishes to take the water of life. Come, Lord Jesus! We pray for these United States […]

Prayers of the People May 1

by Prayers of the People Team

Great and beautiful God, let your ways be known upon earth and your saving health among all nations. Pour into our hearts such love toward you. Good and powerful God, let the nations of the earth walk by the light of the Lamb.  Send your water of light, bright as crystal, to flow through our […]

Prayers of the People, April 24

by Prayers of the People Team

We pray for all who worship you, especially our leaders: Michael, our Presiding Bishop, Greg, our Bishop, Berto, our Rector and all of us who have been baptized by your Holy Spirit, may we love one another. O God, raise up strength for your people. We pay for these United States, especially our leaders and […]

Prayers of the People April 17

by Prayers of the People Team

Almighty Oneness, who leads us through the mysteries of this world; we ask that you hear our spoken and unspoken prayers today for all peoples according to their needs, saying, Lord, Hear our prayer. For those who lead the clans, tribes, and nations of the world, plant in them the desire for understanding and tolerance […]

Prayers of the People April 10

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Lord, we pray to you in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. In Your love Lord, may we find our own.   For Your holy churches, leaders and ministers throughout the world, for our Emmanuel, our priest, Berto, our Vestry, our Administrators, and all who serve our congregation and community. May our grateful […]

Prayers of the People April 3

by Prayers of the People Team

Lector: Dearest Lord, we sing “Alleluia” in the new covenant of reconciliation. Send us into the world with your message of peace, our hearts wiped clean of judgement, bitterness, and spite. The Lord is my strength and my song. Dearest Lord, you ask us to obey you rather than any human authority. Help us, your […]

Prayers of the People March 27 EASTER

by Prayers of the People Team

O God, we celebrate with you the day of the Lord’s resurrection all members of your church.  We pray that Justin, Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh may be faithful leaders, and inspire us to be your servants in this temporal world. Your mercy endures for ever. O God, we pray that this nation; may those […]