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Prayers of the People 2 Epiphany January 19, 2014

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Mother Father God, we pray from our hearts for your guidance and peace. We pray for Emmanuel Church to be a beacon of your love for all who come through the doors, whatever their belief or need. We are all your children seeking the power of your peace. DEAR MOTHER FATHER GOD, WE PRAY […]

Prayers of the People Epiphany 1 January 12, 2014

by SKM

Loving God, in this New Year, we deeply pray that your loving spirit will guide us as we seek justice in the world:  safety for those who suffer violence of body and spirit, food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, health care for the sick, human rights for the oppressed, equality and freedom for […]

Prayers of the People for Christmas 2 on January 5, 2014

by SKM

O God, lead your church to fulfill your mission as you led the wise men with a star so we may be overwhelmed with joy. Save, O Lord, your people. O God, lead our President, Barack, our governor, Jay, and all in authority so that your will may be done on earth. Save, O Lord, […]

Prayers of the People Advent 4 December 22

by SKM

Dearest Lord, we come to you this morning with gratitude for the blessings of the Christmas season. For the return of the sun. Blessings and praise For the birth of your precious son, the baby Jesus Blessings and praise For the sweet love of our families and friends Blessings and praise For the warmth of […]

Prayers of the People Advent 3, December 15, 2013

by SKM

We pray for your church and all religious communities, let their eyes be opened to see your image in their neighbors, so they may be faithful to your commandments and teachings in order to fulfill your mission. Look with favor on your lowly servants so our sighing shall flee away We pray for Barack, our […]

Prayers of the People Advent 2 December 8

by SKM

We pray for the church and its ministries throughout the world. God of hope, fill us with joy and peace, that our paths may be straight in Your ways. May we transcend all forms of fear and hate and sorrow. God of hope, fill us with joy and peace, that our paths may be straight […]

Prayers of the People Advent 1 December 1

by SKM

DEAR GOD, WE PRAY WITH FAITH IN THE POWER OF YOUR PRESENCE Today in the hope which Advent brings for the creation of new visions, expectations  and possibilities for us and our world. DEAR GOD, WE PRAY WITH FAITH IN THE POWER OF YOUR PRESENCE In our wildest, most daring dreams of peace in the […]

Prayers of the People for the Last Sunday after Pentecost, November 24

by SKM

Dearest Lord, we pray that you will make us the instruments of thy peace. Lord, teach us the ways of peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love. Lord, make us the instruments of your peace.  Where there is injury, let us sow pardon. Lord, make us the instruments of your peace.  Where there […]

Prayers of the People 26th Sunday after Pentecost November 17

by SKM

O Lord, bless your children throughout your church, whether they worship as we do or not, whether they look as we do or not, whether they live as we do or not, so that we may not weary in doing what is right. We give thanks to you, Lord, and call upon your name.   […]

Prayers of the People for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost November 10

by SKM

May our fears and anxieties be transfigured with  your good hope, As we live in you, God of the living   May our consciousness reflect your enlightenment, As we live in you, God of the living   May we search for those qualities in others that we wish for ourselves As we live in you, […]