Posts by Prayers of the People Team

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Prayers of the People, January 15

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Holy One, oh Source of All that is—deepest truth beyond all thought. We sing your praises, knowing that the beauty and love in this world expresses your deepest intentions.  Even so, we slip and fall, and innocent beings suffer needlessly.  Help us, oh Holy One, to right at least one wrong a day, to […]

Prayers of the People, January 8

by Prayers of the People Team

Reader: Oh Christ, Beloved Great Mystery—we beseech you to hear our prayers and praises. We begin by praying for the new Provisional Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, the Most Reverend Melissa Skelton, as she undertakes leadership of our diocese during this time of transition.  And again, we gratefully wish our retiring Bishop Greg Rickel […]

Prayers of the People, December 25

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, we give thanks for the birth of Jesus when the Word became flesh. We pray that your Spirit support our leaders Michael, Greg, Melissa, Berto and Hugh as they inspire us to show your love to our neighbors. Eternal God, comfort your people. Eternal God, we give thanks for these United States. We […]

Prayers of the People, December 11

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear God. We pray in these precious Advent days of winter, for your grace to shine upon us, that we may carry the light of your love. Lord, May the light of your countenance open our hearts, that we may share your love in service to others. We pray in the hope which Advent brings, […]

Prayers of the People, December 4

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, in this season of your birth, we pray for the reconciliation promised in Isaiah. Help us to lay aside our arguments, that we might find peace with one another. Be especially with those suffering war, oppression, violence and dislocation. In Christ we pray. Precious Lord, we pray for our church, that we might […]

Prayers of the People, November 27

by Prayers of the People Team

Lord, we give thanks for your church in all its forms and especially this Emmanuel parish. We give thanks for our Bishop Greg, our priests Berto and Hugh, asking that they may teach us your ways so we may walk in your path. Lord, hear our prayer so we may walk in the light of […]

Prayers of the People, November 20

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Beloved Christ, Heartbeat and Light of the World—on this special day we celebrate the great glory you offer to all the nations. We are reminded that even as the King of Glory, you shed your own precious blood for all of us; you suffered humiliation and disgrace so that even the most downtrodden and degraded among […]

Prayers of the People, November 13

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Mother, Father God of all.  You are the Alpha and Omega. We come to you in prayer, for all the world, as we are all one under you God. We come to you Lord for our strength. We pray with gratitude for our Emmanuel Parish, especially our Rector, Father Berto, and Priest, Father Hugh, […]

Prayers of the People, November 6

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Father Mother God, we pray for peace in the world. Peace in our hearts, peace in our families, peace in our communities, peace in our nation, peace among nations. Be especially with those suffering war and other catastrophes, including the heartbroken parents of the young people who were crushed in South Korea. In Christ […]

Prayers of the People, October 30

by Prayers of the People Team

You are righteous, O LORD. Our soul waits for the LORD who is our help and our shield. O Lord, we are grateful for your church. We thank-you for the presence of our Bishop Greg this past week and our Priests, Berto and Hugh. May they inspire us to fulfil by your power every good […]