Posts by Prayers of the People Team

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Prayers of the People, October 23

by Prayers of the People Team

Beloved Mystery, Great One beyond knowing fromwhom all things are made…we thirst for you, even as we knowyou are here with us, in the smoldering fires, the gentle rain, andall creatures—those who worship you and those who do not yetknow you. We love you and thank you for our life on thisbeautiful planet and desire […]

Prayers of the People, September 18

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Father, Mother God, Creator of all. We come to you in our weakness, asking you to hear our prayers, with reverent submission to your will, and gratitude for your son, our teacher, Jesus Christ. We pray for your churches to be instruments of your peace in the world, wherever there is fear and oppression, let […]

Prayers of the People, September 11

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, on this fateful anniversary, we pray that the nations of the world might find peacewith one another. We pray, especially, for the citizens suffering war, hunger, fear, andoppression.In Christ we pray.Precious Lord, guide your church in the faith and love that are Jesus Christ, that we might bewitnesses for compassion and justice, both […]

Prayers of the People, September 4

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Holy Mystery, beyond all knowing.  Your glorious presence penetrates the known and unknown, the sacred and the profane, reaching beyond time to the outer reaches of space, filling our hearts with wonder. We seek you, long for you, and love you. Help us to love you more by blessing us with the will to live […]

Prayers of the People, August 28

by Prayers of the People Team

Lord, we remember your leaders, Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh who spoke the word of God to us. May we imitate their faith with the assurance that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. Lord, we give thanks for these United States, asking […]

Prayers of the People, August 21

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Lord of our creation and salvation, we open our hearts to you in prayer, every day of the week. May your churches throughout the world be inspired and guided through your Holy Spirit to serve others.  You call us to offer food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted.   Let […]

Prayers of the People, August 14

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, teach us how to interpret the present time, that we might speak your wordfaithfully in pursuit of peace for all peoples and the earth itself.In Christ we pray. Precious Lord, we celebrate the return of Father Berto. What joy in our hearts! And we aredeeply grateful for the loving leadership of Father Hugh […]

Prayers of the People, August 7

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, we give thanks for your church and its leaders especially Terry who is with us this morning, Greg, our Bishop, and Michael, our Presiding Bishop. Give them guidance and inspiration, so that their words may remind us that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Our […]

Prayers of the People, July 31

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Holy Creator, Sacred Mystery—we thank you for the beauty of creation, for the hard-working souls who made Market Day a success, for the return to health of so many, and for many other gifts and boons, a few of which we mention here (pause )……We ask continued blessings for our beloved priests, Berto and […]

Prayers of the People, July 24

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear God, Lord of All Heaven and Earth, hallowed be your name.  We pray for the world, for families in distress, for children in need of shelter, safety and comfort, and for those who flee from danger and fear.  We surrender our longing into your hands Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. We are all […]